What is Reiki? 🙌🌟
A Japanese healing technic allowing to recalibrate the energy centers of your body. Through hands imposition, I will elevate physical, mental and emotional blocages that are showing up into your life through fear, anxieties, limiting believes and pains.
The Reiki Healing will help you to recharge your energetic field, give you what you need to heal yourself, raise your consciousness to a higher level and help you in a very subtle way to reach your dreams and desires.
During the Healing Session, I'll be channeling messages just for you and be guided to use different tools to expand your healing. Depending on your specific needs, I could use crystals, sound healing, shamanism technics and work with archangels, guides, ancestors.
How does a Reiki Healing session work? 🌝🔮
Duration 1hrs
In person or remotely.
I will welcome you in my Reiki Healing Room.
First, we will answer your questions and set your intentions depending on your needs.
You will then lay down comfortably on the massage table.
The next 45 minutes will be dedicated to the Reiki massage. During that time, I will:
Connect to your higher self to give you the exact energy you are needing,
Read each of your chakras,
Work individually on each of your chakras,
Harmonise your energy centers,
Activate your magnetizing power to attract supporting opportunities and reach your highest path,
Connect to your inner child, future self, ancestors, past lives, spirit animals, angels, spirits of light if needed,
Strengthen your auric field,
Increase your protection from negative energies,
Ground your energy and smoothly end the Reiki Session,
And so much more! Each Reiki session is different, I always adapt myself to the needs of my client and add tools depending on what is needed.
During the remaining time, we will both discuss about your experience and I will share with you a glimpse of the messages channeled during the session. If you want to take more time to receive more of the messages and visions channeled and discuss deeper on ways to overcome your challenges on a longer-term, check this out: Reiki Healing + Shadow Love.
Depending on your needs, the Healing can also be done remotely. In its core, nothing changes to the healing itself. Energy travels time and space. Whenever and wherever your are! you can trust the universe is supporting you and doing the job!
There are 2 options: (1) organise a time during the day where you would lay down wherever you are, free from distraction or (2) schedule it during your sleep.
Using Zoom: Before the session, you will receive all the information needed and a Zoom link. The session proceeds the exact same way except that it will be from the comfort of the place of your choice. as for an in-person. I invite you to read the in-person paragraph for procedure of the Reiki healing session.
Scheduling during your sleep: If you do not have the time, this might be a good option for you! On my side nothing changes from a usual session. On your side , you will be able to go on with your life without having to change anything to it! I will still answer any questions you have and we will still put down your intentions before the Reiki healing. I will call you the following day, and transfer to you the main messages channeled and we will talk about your experience.
Each person reacts differently to each Reiki Healing.
Usually my clients describe it like being in a meditative sate, where time and space don't exist. They feel free, supported and relaxed.
Experimenting the magical and loving energies of the universe definitely makes you feel lighter and energized and will keep on surprising you even months after.
Anyway, I will stay available to you and we will keep contact after the healing!
Practical Informations
I am not a doctor
No need to undress, just come in comfy clothes.
No massage, only hand imposition on the body.
Healing can also be done remotely.
Initiated by Chantal Collins - ChantaAlexandre
70 €
How to Work with me? 🙌🌟
You can book an appointment with me in 3 different ways:
2. Instagram Private Message: Charlinegreg
3. Mail: sparkleyourlife@hotmail.com