Hi there! My name is Charline Grégoire. I am a Healer and a Space Holder to reignite the magic into people's lives and places. I share my passion for a magical life experience through Kundalini/Vinyasa/Flow Yoga. I am Reiki Master, Astrology and Human Design enthusiast, Shadow Lover, Spirit Messager, passionate about Nutrition and lover of anything Mystical. My life used to be driven by fears and anxieties, I had poor health condition and was diagnosed with PCOS (hormonal imbalances). It all turned around when I started embodying who I truly was and integrated the magical technologies of the universe into my life.
Today, I am operating from a place of trust and prosperity. I have turned my life around becoming a soulful entrepreneur following my passions and my purpose. I have healed from PCOS, manifested a beautiful Lover and am creating the business of my dreams.
If these words inspire you, it means that you are at the right place. My mission is to guide you to step into your life purpose, unlock your true potential and embody the magic of the universe.

Reiki entered my life in 2018 when I hurt my lower back surfing. A voice immediately told me I had to let go of control and get a Reiki Healing (even though I didn't know anything about it). A few months went by and my lower back was still at the same point, I had booked appointments with 2 different specialists, with no success. My inner voice was still telling me about Reiki but I had no idea where to go. Until that day! I was at a conference having a conversation with someone I had just met. Things leading to one another, she mentions an amazing women she had been working with. Turns out that woman is a Reiki Healer and lives 2 minutes away from my house (knowing that my village is the smallest, this is big!). I immediately understood it was meant to be and booked an appointment. And you just read the story of how I met my Reiki teacher!
I directly connected to the energy of Reiki and felt the potential of its power. After experiencing its benefits and impact in my life, I naturally decided to become a practitioner and share that technology myself.
Every time I am giving a Reiki Healing, I feel so aligned and in the right place. I am loving to be so deeply connected to the universe and being a channel for my client.
Reiki has changed my life in incredible ways and I am so honored to be able to share that gift with you!
I started practicing yoga in 2016 while traveling. By then, I was taking class sporadically because it felt good and gave me the momentum I needed to move forward with a clear mind. The more I practiced, the more I understood the connection between my body and my emotions.
At the time, I was working on my hips. They were very tight and I knew it was hiding something. And there it was, after only a few weeks of intentional practice, I was able to release a pain I had experienced for years, emotionally and physically. From one day to the next, I was able to go deep into postures I had never been able to practice before.
This experience lead me to a 500hrs Yoga Teacher Training in India. Omg, I can tell you it was intense and so worth it!! I was trained by incredible Indian Teachers. I learned about Anatomy, Yogic Philosophy, Yogic Therapy, Meditation, Hatha/Vinyasa/Ashtanga/Flow/Kundalini Yoga. All these knowledge allows me to understand the body under multiple dimensions and teach the power of movement with intention.
Thanks to Yoga, I realized that the body is like a chip that stocks all the experiences of our lifetime. If we take the time to observe it, to find out what feels painful, triggering or uncomfortable, we will be able to unlock its codes and put words on our feelings. As your Yoga teacher, I will teach you how to speak the language of our body and give it what it needs.
Yep, Kundalini Yoga definitely deserve its own paragraph. I consider it as the key to who I am today and the main pillar of my life.
I believe it is no coincidence I've always dreamed of having a snake ring! I didn't know why but I was magnetized by them and knew it would make sense one day. And you know what? Turns out that the symbol of Kundalini is a snake, which represents deep healing (you know the cross of the pharmacy? Well, that one!). I found out because a snake appeared in one of my meditation and one thing leading to an other, I was guided to my amazing teachers (@elevatetheglobe).
Since 2019, I have been able to build up my energy and commit to an extensive daily practice.
Partly thanks to my commitment, I was able to heal PCOS and many of my fears and anxieties.
In 2022, I took part in the RA MA teacher training to be able to share those beautiful teachings with you!

When I was younger I used to say that I wanted the become a weather presenter or an astronaut. I just wanted to understand the flow of the earth, be close to the stars and the galactic realm.
This is only when I was around 19 years old that I actually figured out what my childhood ambitions really meant. I actually craved to know more about Astrology. By then, I was studying in Maastricht. After my 1st year, I already knew it was not for me. But for the lack of alternatives, I just decided to keep going. One day, my roommate told me about a website that could tell you about your Astrological Chart based on you date of birth. She looked mine up and read it to me. This is where it all started. I was mind blowed. At a time where I felt the furthest away from myself, my needs and my passions, it was all written down on a website! What the hell?
All the things I thought didn't make sense growing up might have been true. Maybe, it is all possible. Everything I have been feeling inside, my dreams, the magic that I have been hiding away for years and years. Maybe, it can all be real! And a spark reignited in me. I needed to know more and understand how it worked. I started by learning by myself then, with an incredible teacher, Karin Van Den Wildenberg and I haven't stoped learning since then. I love Astrology because it has helped me learn about myself on such a deep level. Likewise, I have discovered about Human Design 2020. Once again, I felt so empowered to know more about how I was designed to operate in this lifetime and get clearer on how to best use my energy.
In order to heal and evolve, we must know who we truly are. Astrology and Human Design help understand which opportunities and challenges we are born with, how to access their healing power and take on the highest path available to us.
Since I was born, my belly has been bloated. Growing up, I started having acne and random skin conditions that would come and go. Nobody could tell me where it came from or how to heal it. As the years went by, I became intolerant to lactose, gluten and sugar. My mood would completely shift, I would feel depressed and loose all my energy and stamina to do anything.
I began to really pay attention to the food I was eating around in 2015 and what it would do to my body. After experimenting, I've become vegetarian, stopped eating eggs, drinking alcohol and smoking. I have also been doing my best to cut gluten, dairy and sugar out of my diet! The hardest part of this, I'd say is the people. There is such an emotional attach to food that people usually don't understand why one would "forbid" itself to eat delicious, juicy food. But once the symptoms become too strong and interrupt the flow of your daily life, an extra sense of commitment comes to the game. The thing about food is that we all react differently to it. All my practices have been helping and improving my health in incredible ways, but my body was still feeling weak. In fact, some of us are simply born with healthier bodies than others. Why though? Once again, I thought that there should be a way to heal, why not? As I kept on learning, and tried all different kind of cleanse (Kitchari Cleanse, Fasting, intermittent Fasting), I finally found out about Medical Medium. He is a medium that receives all its knowledge from Spirit of Compassion. It felt so good to finally find a ressource with divine knowledge, where I truly felt supported and knowing that I finally had a chance to heal.
Today, I am still on my healing journey. I know I have come a long way already and I am so happy about the result so far. As I felt more empowered than ever about my body and where its symptoms actually stem from, I naturally started to give out advices to my family and people around me, and they were listening!! There is something magnetizing about these knowledge because they give you the cause of what is happening, and simply make sense. For sure, we need to exercise, do yoga, have a spiritual practice, etc. But, I truly believe that the food we eat is the most important tool for our body's health, without it, there will always be a piece of the puzzle missing.
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17 as I was showing most of the symptoms: no period, cyst on the ovaries, acne, low energy, weight gain, lack of concentration, digestion issues, depression, fertility problems... In my case, PCOS stemmed from an imbalance of testosterone, the male hormone exceeding the level of female hormone. My gynecologist told me that I would need to take medicines my entire life. I tried out many different birth control pills and took additional ones. Yes, I was bleeding but my mental health was so bad, I was gaining weight and losing my hair... I was sick of it.
When I experienced the healing of my hip and my lower back through reiki and yoga, the benefits from Kundalini Yoga (See how it is all linked?), I started believing that they should be an other way.
I knew that the next step was to heal myself.
And I did!!
I dove deep into my healing, I basically learned what it meant to be a Woman. I reconnected to the rythm of the Moon, learned about the balance of divine masculine and feminine energy, practiced a specific Kundalini Sadhana for 120 days, learned about my past lives, connected to my ancestors, cut cords, rebalanced my Chakras with Reiki and the magic unfolded. 1 year later, my gynecologist was astonished and told me my ovaries were perfect "If you weren't my patient I would never have believed that you had PCOS before"! I had been able to let go of control and allow the divine energy of the universe to work its magical powers on me. I am so proud of this!

I have always wanted to travel, and was able to go on my first solo trip was when I was 17. It has been part of me and my well-being since then. It has allowed me to meet who I truly was, to connect to my divine self and shift what no longer served me.
Travelling has been portal to the magic of Mother Earth, to witness nature in so many different forms, to admire her powers and her resilience. The waterfalls, the seas, rainforests, mountains, breathtaking views, animals and how she influences the people and cultures around her.
Every time I travel, I know it is a new opportunity for breakthrough (as a Scorpio Moon, this is like my drug!) and to learn from her and her beauty.
Nature has guided me and has driven me to where I am today. I believe that the more healing work we do, the more we operate from abundance and infinity, the better the alignement, the ability to connect to her and understand her. We all need to be able to tune into her frequency and access that dimension.
Let's love our shadows.
Our shadows are our fears, anxieties, limiting believes, expectations... We usually hide them and allow them to haunt us as soon as a trigger appears. Avoiding our shadows, allows them to control us. The longer we hide, the more it manifests in our lives as pains, diseases, bad lucks, negative energies.
The game here, is to actually bring the light into our dark world and allow it to become our strength.
Loving my PCOS and my symptoms was THE step for me. When I accepted its messages and be thankful for what it had taught me, the energy shifted and everything started unfolding in such a divine way.
Since then, I deeply focus on my shadows and the ones of my clients. I believe that the answers are in the darkness and I rather like to catch them before they manifesting in the reality.
Magic exist and it is about time we acknowledge it. It did not happen by change or by misfortune, it happened because you made it happen. It might look like something you just thought about happening in your real life, recurrent numbers or songs, a white feather, a magician with a white rabbit in his hat, a medium, the fairies, the unicorns... After all, it is simply people taking control of the energies available to them but from different dimensions.
Personally, I am like a groupie of the Universe, anything I can learn about it I do! And luckily for me, there is an infinite pool of divine knowledge to discover. And the more space you create for it, the more will come through and surprise you. Getting to know more about the different types of magic available allows me to facilitate the connection to other dimensions through more and more streams and observe it through more and more facets. Which I looove! Shamanism, Witchcraft, Akashic Records Reading, Lay Lines, Astral Travel, Crystal healing, Sound Healing, Kundalini Yoga, the Old Worlds, Angel, Archangels, Cosmography, Geodetic, Astrocartography... There is so much to learn and as you have seen they are all intertwined. I am craving for those knowledge and to use them as powerful healing tool for you and Mother Earth.

I am LOVING dedicating my life to this work. To work on having the purest body and be an anchor of the highest frequency. Creating a new reality here on earth, taking every opportunity to learn and to grow and be of service to you.
I want to accompany you, I want to help you bring more magic, love, joy and sparkle into your life.